The Midwifery Model of Care: Group Prenatal Care, Birth Centers, and Physiologic Birth

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Time and Location

Saturday, 07/01/2017
Registration: 4:45-5:15 pm
Talk and Q&A: 5:15-6:45 pm

Yale Center Beijing
8 Jianguomenwai Avenue, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building (Yong’anli Station, Exit C)

Registration and Fees

Purchase in advance: RMB 10 for students; RMB 30 for others.
Purchase at the door: RMB 50.
Click HERE to register.
Please email if you have any questions, or call Yale Center Beijing at (10) 5909 0200.

The Event

For over 100 years, prenatal care has been provided in an exam room, behind closed doors. Group prenatal care is an innovative approach to providing care that brings prenatal care out of the exam room into a group setting. This model, developed by a Yale midwife, has been disseminated increasingly widely across the U.S, and has been demonstrated to dramatically improve critical perinatal outcomes and the experience of care, particularly for low-income and minority women. We will explore how midwifery models of care, including out-of-hospital birth and the philosophy of “physiologic birth” are transforming maternity care in the U.S.


The language of the event will be English.

The Speaker

Dr. Gina Novick
MSN '83, PhD '09, Associate Professor at Yale School of Nursing

Gina Novick is an Associate Professor at Yale School of Nursing in the nurse-midwifery specialty. She received her MSN in midwifery in 1983 and her PhD in 2009, both at Yale. Dr. Novick’s work focuses on understanding and advancing alternatives to conventional models of maternity care, including birth centers and group prenatal care. Dr. Novick has provided midwifery care in a wide range of clinical settings for over 30 years and practices with the Yale Midwifery Faculty Practice.

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